Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Home For The Holidays!

Well, Mike made it home safe and sound, but not necessarily in one piece. On Sunday, the 18th Mike broke his right wrist in 3 places. He has a cast from his hand to his bicep and has to keep that one on for a month then he can go to a half cast for a while. He seems to do better by the hour, but is already tired of the cast. Nice way to spend the holidays and his 21st birthday!!
My grades came in, and I was exactly right with them, 1-A and 3-B’s. I guess I am happy with that, they were tough classes, so I shouldn’t complain, and Wilma really hurt our time with Calculus 2 cutting an eight week course to about a 6 ½ week course.
Christmas is just a few days away, I am finished with my shopping, and only have a few more gifts to wrap. The hardest part of Christmas shopping is stocking stuffers!! I don’t know how my parents do that, they fill not only mine, but my kids’, my cousin, his wife, his son, and my brother. I only have my kids’ and my parents’.
Speaking of my brother, I blame him for all the snow in NY already this year as well as the transit strike. Before he moved there in late October, everything was just fine! So, people of NY….blame him!!

Sunday, December 18, 2005


Well, I guess Christmas miracles do happen! Yesterday I got a phone call from FEMA inquiring about my roof again. They SAID they were on their way. Guess what - they actually got here and I now am the proud owner of a BLUE ROOF!!!! Now watch, it won't rain again till I get my real roof! It took 4 guys right around 3 hours to do the job, I didn't realize how tough it would be, looks easy enough. They were wiped out by the time they were done, it was a hot one yesterday. Anyway, it is done, and I am happy.
Only one week till Christmas, and no, I am not done shopping. I will get done though. Mike comes in on Tuesday, looking forward to that, I think I will get into the spirit then. It seems kind of strange not studying this weekend, I keep thinking I have work to do. I have been catching up on my sleep, and have actually been sleeping well the last few nights.
Well, guess I better run and figure out just how much more shopping I have to do! Have a great weekend!!!