"Million Little Pieces"
About a month or so ago, I picked up a book that I thought had an interesting cover (and they say you can't judge a book by it's cover!). This book was called " A Million Little Pieces". I read the back cover and thought it sounded very interesting, but I didn't buy it because I knew I would be too busy to read it. Now I wish I had. A few weeks after I looked at it, suddenly it became popular. The author was on Oprah, she had picked it as one of her picks, even Regis and Kelly were talking about it (not that they hold any literary awards). What I did not know when I originally looked at it, was that it was a memoir and frankly, I didn't care if it was true or not - it sounded good. Now suddenly the author, who admitted to taking literary license, is being called a liar. He embarrassed Oprah, so now the world is looking down on him. I was watching CNN last night - Anderson what's his name 360 (personally I think he is an idiot) - and that was the top news story. HEAVEN FORBID someone embellish a story to make it sell better. When Larry King asked Anderson whether or not he liked the book, he said he didn't think much of it, but when King asked him if it had been published as a fiction book, Anderson backpedaled and said that it was great. Who did he hurt by this? Some are arguing that he hurt the rehab clinic he spoke of in the book, and now some may not seek help for fear of the treatment they will receive - I think it is just another excuse not to get help and to keep using. YOUR president lies on a daily basis, and this doesn't receive the national attention or criticism that Frey is getting. I have never been through rehab, and can only imagine what kind of fear must accompany it, and I am guessing that many of the things Frey wrote about happened in his mind, the way HE saw it. If you perform a scene in front of 5 different people, and then pull them into separate rooms and ask them what they saw, you will more than likely get 5 different accounts. Add to this being high, or coming off a high and going through withdrawals, and you can only imagine the story you will get. Personally, I am still going to purchase the book because I have heard nothing but great reviews on the way it was written, and I hope he has much success. As far as Oprah is concerned, maybe she was "duped", but I am sure it isn't the first time, and certainly won't be the last, so she can cry all she wants to the bank with her umteen million dollars - get over it!