Friday, November 17, 2006

Teaching or babysitting?

As you may remember from the last post, I was still teaching ESE awaiting the new teacher to finish her internship and take over the class. Well, guess what - she took a position at another school. Where does this leave me? Guaranteed work for quite some time!! I spoke to the department head last week and was finally able to get access to the online grade book. She also sent over some more books for me to use to come up with some lesson plans, now only if I had the time!! They seem to be having some difficulty finding a "fit" for this position, and I can see why, it is not an easy job. The kids are classified as EMH (educable mentally handicapped), most of them have terrible home lives or live in group homes.
Last week one of my students had a seizure, no one told me she was even suspectible to seizures!
Well, it is about 2 weeks later since I started this post, haven't had time to finish. Since I started this some things have changed. One of my students walked into my room one day and let a crack pipe fall out of her pocket - needless to say I had to call security! Believe it or not, she was only sent to CSI for the day. Another student got into a fight during lunch and was put on outdoor suspension for 15 days - somehow I don't find that fair, but hey, I don't make the rules.
One of the biggest battles in this school, (well, at least in these classes) is the dress code. I have yet to understand why these kids will not keep their shirts tucked in. It is the simplest thing in the world, but the hardest thing for them to get through their heads. I have become an expert at writing referrals!!
Progress reports came out today along with failure notices. Some were actually shocked that they were failing my class. I warn them on a daily basis that the work they do in my class counts as a grade, but still some refuse to do the work. I think they got it now. We'll see if there is an improvement.
They brought in a lady that works in another school that supposedly interviewed for this job. I don't know if she took the position or not though. She is currently an elementary school teacher, and has been for 23 years, but never taught high school. The department head was telling her that these kids are on the same "level" as the elementary kids, which is true, but with WAY more attitude. You have to keep an eye on these kids like they are 3 year olds. If you leave the room ofr one minute chaos breaks out.
Next week is Thanksgiving already. It will be a nice little break and will be good to see the family again. I am working everyday till then, but have Thanksgiving day and the next off so it will be like a mini vacation. I can't believe the holidays are right around the corner already. Time flies.
Well, that's all for now. My computer at home crashed so I can only access at school and through my phone so don't think I am ignoring anyone. All is well!!!
