Immigration Laws
Here is a typical day for me at work. Customer walks up to the service desk and says “Gkfjdojg jdlajfejqiejf fkldjflkjeoijq jdlkjfaojtiojeafj”. Did you understand that? Well, neither did I, it was in Spanish. I then say “excuse me?”. They say, oh, YOU don’t speak Spanish? When I say no, 50% of them walk away in a huff. Second scenario: Cashier walks up to customer service with their customer handing me a receipt and a red, white, and blue card with a magnetic strip that somehow got demagnetized. This little red, white, and blue card is a “benefits card” (aka foodstamps). I look at the customer, and 9 times out of 10, they are wearing clothes nicer than what hangs in my closet, and have more jewelry on them than I own, and 8 times out of 10, they are Latin. Now, I try to pride myself in not being prejudice, but this really gets to me. I work part time, go to school, and raise my son without any help from the government – no financial aid at all. I drive an 11 year old van that I hope will get me back and forth to school and work everyday, if I own 5 pairs of shoes that is a lot, and I was born in this country! Scenario 3: Any given day I will process 8-15 money transfers much of which goes to Honduras, Mexico, or Nicaragua. Just a note, Cuba has a $300 per 90 days limit it is my best guess that some of the monies being sent to these other countries eventually makes it to Cuba. Those who say that the illegals are helping our economy – guess what, the money isn’t staying here.
I 100% agree that the immigration laws are unfair – unfair to the people who are here legally. The “wet foot/dry foot” law is a joke, it is the most ridiculous idea I have ever seen, and it only applies to Cuban refugees. I know everyone wants to come to America, seek the American dream (is the American dream to live off the government while taking jobs from those who are legally here?), but things have to change. Those who are here illegally need to be located, and “repatriated”. If they want to come back, they need to obtain legal status just like my family did (hi Mom!). That’s my opinion, and as far as I know, this is still America and I am allowed to express it, feel free to agree or not, I will listen to any and all.