Very Proud
Well, there it is, the first professional team Mike is playing for. The Bet Shemesh Blue Sox! On Sunday night we watched the IBL draft where Michael was chosen 3rd in the eighth round, his best friend Ray was chosen 2 picks earlier for the Netanya Tigers. They were a bit disappointed that they were not chosen for the same team, but hey, a little friendly competition is always good. I am not sure when they are leaving yet, but their first game is June 25th, and ironically they play against each other! Both are getting excited about going, and I think it will be a great experience for both of them. I wish I had that kind of opportunity when I was their age. Carpe Diem!
I am still subbing and enjoying it. They kids are really great. When I tell people where I sub, they cringe, but you know, there is really no place else I would rather be right now. It is a good school for the most part. Every school has their problems, this one no more than any other though. It is always nice to see a smile across their faces when they see me standing in the doorway between classes.
Zach is doing well. The school year is winding down quickly with the last day of school being the 29th of May. I was just talking to Zach the other day about how quickly this school year has gone. The older you get the faster the time goes by. Zach wants to start working this summer when he turns 14, he likes having money! It will be good for him, keep him out of trouble a few hours a day and teach him a little more responsibility and the value of money.
Vega$ is literally right around the corner. Hard to believe that in about 9 days we will be there. I am looking forward to getting away for a few days.
Other than that nothing new in my world. I am proud of both my boys, they make me smile!