Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Wow, hard to believe 2006 is gone! This year flew by more quickly than any other year so far. It was for the most part a good year, and certainly a year for changes. I went from not working at all to 2 jobs - one actually in the field I want to pursue. Mike moved back home in May or June, that was an adjustment for all of us, but it has worked out well. Zach went from Elementary school to middle school - from hating school to loving it! We went from having back to back years of storms, to only one storm scare this year - that is certainly a plus! Most importantly, we all made it through the year with no serious injuries or illnesses.
What have I learned this year...let's see. I learned that I really do want to be a teacher. After being tossed to the wolves, so to speak, teaching ESE kids and not losing my mind in the process, I know now that I can handle just about anything. I enjoyed having a class that I could call my own and having that kind of responsibility. I guess I like pressure and have really always done well when my back is up against the wall. I try not to let the little things get to me and to let things roll off my back - it's healthier that way. I have also learned that I am not a bad person. People actually like me for me. People appreciate me and respect me. I am still trying to learn not to shrug off compliments and to accept them. I also went through this entire year without someone significant in my life and have decided that it is OK. I don't need to settle for being second best to anyone, and eventually, one day (maybe) someone will come along. I have a long list of things that I would like to accomplish, and a relationship is very low on my priority list right now. Not to say if someone comes along and sweeps me off my feet I wont allow it, just not looking for it.
I don't know what 2007 holds in store for me but I am going into it with a positive attitude, and a kick in my step. Everyone should have a 5 year plan, and I certainly have mine, but it may take every bit of those 5 years to accomplish what I want. That's OK, I WILL MAKE IT! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!