Friday, September 23, 2005


As I write this, Hurricane Rita is pounding Galveston, and putting New Orleans underwater again. Once again the incompetence of the United States government shines through. How sad is it that we can't even evacuate cities that are soon to be under siege? Days and days of warnings, people leaving their homes and possessions behind, only to be caught in a traffic jam, running out of fuel, sweltering in the 100 degree heat, and burning literally to death like the elderly that were on the bus that caught fire. Ain't our government great!
So I went to the school to sell sno-cones again today, and we did even better that last week, raking in $107 for our cause. If we keep this up, maybe we can help the government alleviate it's debt! Can you see our Prez crushing ice and selling sno-cones? He probably could screw that up too!
That's all for now. Keep the Texans in your thoughts this weekend, I know I will, we have been there done that, and believe me, it is no fun!

PS. Happy 44th Anniversary Mom and Dad


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seattle City Council nixes monrail expansion
The City Council today yanked its support for the Seattle Monorail, dealing a blow that council members declared would kill the embattled transit project.

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7:45 PM  
Blogger MQA said...

George W. Bush selling Sno-Cones. While I would mourn the loss of the Sno-Cone industry, overall it would be an improvement for us all.

4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you must really hate this country, this was the largest evacuation in human history...3 million people in 2 days. Why do local goverments allow cities to over populate without proper infastructure.

6:35 PM  

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