Category 5
This is Rita - she is a category 5, and if I were anywhere near the Texas coast, I would be running like a scared rabbit! I just found out that a good friend of mine has family in Gonzales, Texas, which is about 190 miles east of Galveston. They should be ok, but will feel the winds of probably around category 1 force, which we have learned can be devastating enough. It looks as if most people in Galveston are leaving now, and not waiting till the last minute. I hope they are smarter than I was back in '92 when Andrew came through, and I thought we would be ok. No material items are worth risking your life for - for once I wish I had listened to my parents and left! It will be interesting to see what FEMA and our government will do after this storm. They have had enough practice, and hopefully will get it right this time. I am guessing that gas prices will rise again too. Again, the oil companies taking advantage of a bad situation. They have been interviewing people who live in the Keys, some who's homes received some water damage and flooding. The majority of the people said it was no big deal compared to what happened in New Orleans and Mississippi. At least they still have a home to go to.Good luck to the Texans, my thoughts are with you!
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