Sunday, September 25, 2005

Aftermath of Rita

It looks to me that Louisiana is on the "hit" list this year, much like Florida was last year. Just when you think you are done with the storms, you get hit with another. Yea, we have had 3 brushes so far this year, but they have been "baby" storms compared to Katrina when she hit Louisiana, and Rita when she made land fall in Lake Charles. One thing that frustrates me is that they keep comparing Rita to Katrina, saying it wasn't that bad. If it is your home that gets destroyed, it IS that bad. To me it is like saying, yea, he was murdered, but he was only shot one time, when this guy was shot 100 times - guess what, they are both still dead! I am glad to see that most people got out like they were advised to do. One down side to the hurricane not being as bad as expected is that residents may not heed the advice of authorities next time when they say to leave, and next time they may not be so lucky. Let's just hope there isn't a next time!
On a lighter note, this week is going to be fun for me. I have 3 tests, a meeting on Tuesday night, and of course sno-cones on Friday. You can almost feel a change in the air the last few days. The humidity hasn't been quite as high, and the temperature only in the upper 80's. It takes about 10 minutes to break into a sweat after stepping outside as compared to 5 minutes! I hope it starts to cool off soon, it has been a miserable couple of months.
Have to go study now, and of course the laundry is calling my name, and I am sure my son will be "I'm Hunrgy"-ing me soon. Enjoy your Sunday everyone!


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