Sunday, November 20, 2005

What a difference 24 hours make

Twenty four hours ago, we in South Florida were trying to figure out how we were going to prepare for Tropical Storm Gamma. Twenty four hours ago my parents were still dealing with a leaky roof. Twenty four hours ago I still had no word on if I was ever going to get a blue roof. Twenty four hours ago, I thought I would lose my mind! Now, 24 hours later, my parents have a blue roof, Gamma is no longer a threat, and I finally heard from FEMA regarding my roof. Two gentlemen from FEMA came to "inspect" my blue roof today. They actually noticed that it wasn't done (not a hard task), and made a phone call for me to expedite the process. They explained that this isn't the first time the wrong house had been done, and were very apologetic. I thanked them for their help, and they said it will be 3-5 days, but I will be blue! What a difference 24 hours make! Oh, and 2 days till Mike comes home!!!


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