Monday, September 11, 2006

What better day to start blogging again than today?! It is hard to believe that 5 years have passed since 9/11, it seems like it was just yesterday. I still remember, like everyone else, where I was, what I was doing, and how shocked I was. Yesterday I watched the movie "United 93". No one really knows what happened aboard that flight, but I guess they gave it an educated, or at least a hopeful guess on what went on in those final moments. It was hard to watch the part where the people on board called their families - that part we know to be true - to say goodbye. Innocent lives lost for no good reason. Every one has different opinions on the war, and that is something I won't go into today, it is not the appropriate time. Let's just remember those who lost their lives, those who braved the "elements" to try to help others and let us hope against hope that this never happens again.


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