Sunday, September 11, 2005


Good afternoon! I guess the obvious choice of discussion today is the anniversary of September 11, 2001. It is one of those days that everyone will remember, and always know "where they were". I remember being at home, getting ready to go to work when I turned on the TV and couldn't believe my eyes. I immediately called my Dad, and told him to turn on the television, and then began calling other family members and friends. It is amazing that everyone began calling loved ones, even though we are miles from "ground zero". No one knew exactly how to handle it, and wanted to make sure others were safe. I had the opportunity to visit NYC about 6 months after 9/11, and got to see Ground Zero before a lot of it was cleared away. NYC is not a quiet city by any means, but around Ground Zero is was eerily calm and quiet, with tons of people milling around in a daze even 6 months after the event. It is an experience I will never forget. That day, 9/11, forever changed how I feel about being safe in my own country, whether or not I feel safe flying, how I look at others on a plane. My family flew across the country about 10 days after 9/11, and as the plane took off, a tear came to my eye thinking about all those people who were going either home to loved ones, on vacation, on business trips, never thinking that it would be their flight. There were so many brave people that day, amongst the confusion, everyone came together as best they could to help one another. It is a shame that it takes a tragedy to make the United States united!


Blogger Sluggo said...

You are 100% correct. It is a shame that it takes a tragedy like 9/11 to bring this great country together. It is also a shame that people seem to have already forgotten much about that day, the people, and the sacrifices they made.

12:33 PM  

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